my story

I have always needed to connect to the outdoors, but I could never connect to visual art in a way that interested me. I am very logical and pragmatic, but I began to use photography to link my memories and experiences to an outlet that can be enjoyed by everyone

Giclee Fine Art Photo Print Greg and Teresa in Lake Pend Oreille North Idaho


I provide professional quality photos that captivate people who love the outdoors. I produce the highest quality fine art photo prints, focusing primarily on my home in North Idaho. These photos of Idaho are the places and the things that dreams are made of - because that’s why people are coming here. I capture their dreams, I capture their memories, and I manifest them into something they can look at every day on their wall.

We use the finest quality of archival fine art photo papers and archival inks to ensure the longest lasting vibrant colors and deep shadows possible. We produce giclée prints using 12 colors of archival ink in a professional wide format ink jet printer.

my image licensing is most commonly licensed to commercial clients, whether it be web developers, real estate agents for advertising, or local small business owners who want to draw in business to their beautiful location.


I am a lover of the outdoors, who regularly drives up to Bernard Lookout just to sit there for a few hours and look. I am a Forester by trade, and I am a conservationist who is particular about the definition of that word compared to environmentalist. I am a father, and I am a husband. I am a brother, and I am a son. I am very close with my family, and they make me whole. I am a United States Marine Corps infantryman who is also a combat veteran. I am an Idahoan. I want people to see what I see, and enjoy what I enjoy. I want someone to come here for vacation and need a photo of the lake to remind them of how the trees and the flowers smelled. I want locals to see my photo of places they hold dear, and smile. I want those poor souls who move away from this place to be brought back to North Idaho the moment they see a photo of it.

Not all of my photos are in Idaho, but the vast majority of them are. I photograph everywhere there is beauty.